søndag 2. desember 2007

Thank you Marte!

Finally I was ready travel to England I was going to visit Marte in London. I was lucky that I got to go directly to where Marte lived, after I arrived. So I got to see how she lived, that was so good, it was so nice to talk to here again. She made a meal, gave me Gulrerotkake and yoghurt for desert. She is a great host
Here is a picture of marte in here house

On Saturday, she came in to town and met me and my travel companions. We decided to find a musical to see, we where thinking about “We will rock you”, but that and many other where sold out, but “Lord of the rings” Marte got us tickets for. Before that we went to Pizza hut for a meal, walk a bit in town, before we went to a coffee shop. Than it was time for the musical, it lasted 3 hours, but it was never boring. I really liked it! It was a great day and we had a great guide in Marte, she had even backed “Kanel i svingen” for us, they tasted good:)

Marte is a great person to visit, so I would really recommend a trip to London and a visit.
And of course, Marte is funny and kind, so you will a good time!

3 kommentarer:

Marte sa...

Hærlig, Kay!

Lovely to have you here;)

taisotsubo sa...

I´m jealous now... =)
Really would like to visit Marte wherever she is...or to receive her in Brazil!
Nice to hear from you both!
Miss you!

Unknown sa...

Å besøke Marte høres ut som en bra ting å gjøre. Likevel syns æ snart de e på tide at han Kay besøke Trondheim. Ragnhild og Per har gjort det så langt, så no e de ikkje så mange sunnmøringa igjen som ikkje har vært her.